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1) US banned her entry calling her ‘a communist good’. She was kept in On her journey to the USA from China she got into trouble when the London for time’s sake and became a major attraction there. Who?
Chi-Chi the Panda, who became the mascot of the WWF
2) The comic character Yogi Bear lives in a national park that takes its name from the world’s first national park. Name both.
Jellystone and Yellowstone
3) The byline of which company, rather ironically went ‘What we do will touch your lives in some way everyday’?
Union Carbide Limited (Bhopal Gas Tragedy)
4) Cubatao, in Brazil has certain epithet because it is the world’s most polluted place. What epithet?
The Valley of Death
5) Which popular brand takes its name from a particular species of deer native to South Africa?
6) Which metal was responsible for the fatal brain disease that affected people eating fish caught from the Minamata Bay off the Japanese island of Kyushu?
7) What is the claim to fame of a body called the Dasohli Gram Swarajya Mandali?
Pioneered the Chipko movement
8) A certain kind of bird called Storm Petrels are named after St. Peter. Why?
Because they can walk on water
9) The largest flower in the world is named after the person who forced Lord Minto to occupy Java and was at one time the keeper of the London Zoo. We know him best for a city that he founded. Name him and the flower?
Sir Stamford Thomas Raffles and the Rafflesia arnoldi
10) In which book would you find the lines ‘All animals are equal but some animals are more equal’.
George Orwell’s ‘Animal farm’
11) The Indian television series ‘Living on the edge’ was the first in Asia to win the prestigious Panda Award. By what popular name is this award known?
The Green Oscar
12) Which animal is mentioned as the teacher of Yudhishthira in the Mahabharatha?
The Mongoose
13) Which comic character cannot stand trees being cut down?
Dogmatix of Asterix
14) Which Banking and Finance corporate major recently tied up with the WWF to issue special WWF branded credit cards wherein the company would donate a certain amount of money on the customer’s behalf to WWF everytime he used the card?
15) A few years ago a certain insect called the Mexican Beetle was imported into Bangalore in large numbers. Why?
To eradicate the weed Parthenium
16) India’s premier environmental magazine is edited by activist Bittu Sahgal. Name it.
17) Who said ‘A nation’s wealth, its real wealth can be gauged by its tree cover ‘?
Richard St. Barbe Baker, ‘The Man of Trees’
18) Who is the patron saint of ecology?
St. Francis
19) Of which media powerhouse is the Discovery Channel a division?
20) Who authored a bestseller ‘Overload’ which is concerned with a fight between environmentalists and an engineer over the building of a thermal power station?
Arthur Hailey
21) This American industrialist donated about 1/5th of his property to WWF in return for which the WWF gives an annual Wildlife Conservation Prize to individuals and organisations for distinguished service to the cause of conservation, in his name. Who?
J. Paul Getty
22) Which ancient Indian text contains rules and regulations on how to run a protected forest or a ‘abhayaranya’?
Kautilya’s Arthashastra
23) The oldest of the species is supposedly more than 600 years old and is found in Kerala’s Perambikulam game sanctuary. Now it is a primary component for reforestation and its bark and flowers are used as medicine for Bronchitis. Its name originated in Malayalam and entered Portuguese to mean ‘carpenter’. Which tree?
The Teak
24) This tree was supposedly brought to India from Sri Lanka by Hanuman when he was carrying messages from Sita. He felt so delighted by it that he threw the seeds on what is presently Maharashtra. Which tree?
The Mango
26) What is the area adjoining the Kuntipuzha river in Kerala called?
The Silent Valley
27) Which comic achieved the distinction of being the first to be printed on recycled paper as early as the mid 80s?
Archie Comics
28) Petra Kelly founded a political party in Germany whose agenda is conservation. Name the party.
The Greens Party
29) Who was the star of a film “Grime goes green’ along with John Cleese?
Prince Charles
30) The first environmentally conscious community are found in Rajasthan and get their name from the fact that the follow 29 commandments?
The Bishnois
31) If you were a Gargencian with whom would you mate?
The Amazon tribe
32) Carl Sagan headed a research team called TTAPS which introduced a phrase into the English language. What phrase?
Nuclear Winter
33) In an irony of war in the Gulf, a US owned tanker flying a Pan American flag carrying Iranian oil struck a mine off Fujirah port in UAE and caused an oil slick, the first in the Indian Ocean. Name the ship.
Texaco Carribean
34) In 1992, At the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro two countries, rather incongruously announced they would resume whale hunting. Name them.
Iceland and Norway
35) What was E.P.Gee referring to in his book ‘Wildlife of India’ when he wrote ‘ There are floating islands in Burma, Kashmir and North America that I have heard of. But I think ________ is the only floating wildlife sanctuary in the world. Fill in the blank.
Keibul Lamjao floating sanctuary in Manipur
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